Monday, October 3, 2011

I'm tired. And I'm afraid I've a John F Kennedy speech to analyze by morning:

Kennedy starts all this talk of going to the moon, of discovering the unknown, of progress. So we get all riled up and pay the extra tax money and BAM Neil Armstrong's leaping for mankind and planting our earth-made good ol' American flag in moondust.

On the homefront we're attending public highschool, paying bills, bopping around. We're heatin' up from the Cold War. We write things on our desks that no one listens to when said out loud. We muck around in mediocrity. We may be poor; we're all tired. We read and we sleep. Meanwhile, Neil's dancing his ass off on the moon.

And all we are is green and blue, surrounded by a whole lot of stars. Space, too.

"You put the ache in make believe."